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New Project Scaffolding

  1. Web Application Scaffold


/new [project type] web application in [language] using the [framework] framework. Include the basic folder structure, configuration files, and essential boilerplate code


/new e-commerce web application in JavaScript using the Express.js framework. Include the basic folder structure, package.json, and essential boilerplate code to handle routing

└── ecommerce-app
└── package.json
└── server.js
└── routes
├── index.js
└── controllers
├── productController.js
└── models
├── productModel.js
└── views
├── index.html
└── public
└── css
├── styles.css
└── js
└── main.js

Create Workspace
  1. RESTful API Service Setup


Initialize a /new RESTful API service in [language] using the [framework] framework. Provide the standard project structure, necessary dependencies, and boilerplate code for handling basic CRUD operations


Initialize a /new RESTful API service in Python using the Flask framework. Provide the standard project structure, requirements.txt, and boilerplate code for handling basic CRUD operations for a "Product" resource

└── flask_app
└── instance
└── requirements.txt

Create Workspace
  1. Mobile Application Framework Setup


Set up a /new [platform] mobile application in [language] using the [framework] framework. Include the initial project structure, configuration files, and basic UI components


Set up a /new iOS mobile application in Swift using the SwiftUI framework. Include the initial project structure, Info.plist, and basic UI components

└── MySwiftUIApp
└── MySwiftUIApp.xcodeproj
└── MySwiftUIApp
└── ContentView.swift
└── MySwiftUIAppApp.swift
└── Info.plist

Create Workspace
  1. Microservices Architecture Scaffold


Create a /new [service type] microservice in [language] using the [framework] framework. Provide the essential project structure, configuration for inter-service communication, and boilerplate code for basic service functionality


Create a /new User Management microservice in Go using the Gin framework. Provide the essential project structure, configuration for REST API communication, and boilerplate code for basic service functionality

└── user-management-service
└── main.go
└── config
├── config.go
└── controllers
├── user_controller.go
└── models
├── user.go
└── routes
├── routes.go
└── utils
├── utils.go
└── .env
└── go.mod
└── go.sum
└── Dockerfile
└── .gitignore

Create Workspace
  1. Front-End Project Initialization


/new [type] front-end project in [language] using the [framework/library]. Include the basic directory structure, configuration files, and starter components


/new Single Page Application (SPA) front-end project in TypeScript using the React library. Include the basic directory structure, tsconfig.json, and starter components

└── src
├── components
│ ├── Header.tsx
│ ├── Footer.tsx
│ ├── Home.tsx
├── styles
│ ├── App.css
├── index.tsx
├── App.tsx
├── react-app-env.d.ts
└── public
├── index.html
└── tsconfig.json
└── package.json

Create Workspace
  1. Command-Line Application Scaffold


/new [type] command-line application in [language]. Include the basic project structure, necessary dependencies, and boilerplate code for parsing command-line arguments and executing commands


/new CLI tool in Python. Include the basic project structure, requirements.txt, and boilerplate code for parsing command-line arguments using argparse

└── cli_tool
└── requirements.txt

Create Workspace
  1. Full-Stack Application Boilerplate


/new full-stack application in [language] using [frontend framework] for the front-end and [backend framework] for the back-end. Include the initial project structure, configuration files, and boilerplate code for basic interaction between front-end and back-end


/new full-stack application in JavaScript using React for the front-end and Node.js with Express for the back-end. Include the initial project structure, package.json, and boilerplate code for basic API interaction

└── client
├── package.json
├── src
│ └── index.js
│ └── App.js
│ └── components
│ └── ApiComponent.js
└── server
└── package.json
└── index.js
└── routes
├── api.js
└── controllers
├── apiController.js
└── models
├── dataModel.js
└── config
└── db.js

Create Workspace
  1. API Client Library Scaffold


/new [language] client library for interacting with the [API/service]. Include the basic project structure, configuration files, and boilerplate code for making API requests


/new Python client library for interacting with the GitHub API. Include the basic project structure,, and boilerplate code for making API requests using requests

└── github_client
└── requirements.txt

Create Workspace
  1. Database-Integrated Project Scaffold


/new [language] project integrated with a [database type] database. Include the project structure, configuration files for database connections, and boilerplate code for basic CRUD operations


/new C# project integrated with a SQL Server database. Include the project structure, appsettings.json for database connections, and boilerplate code using Entity Framework Core for basic CRUD operations

└── MyApp
└── MyApp.csproj
└── appsettings.json
└── Models
├── MyEntity.cs
└── Data
├── ApplicationDbContext.cs
└── Repositories
├── IMyEntityRepository.cs
├── MyEntityRepository.cs
└── Program.cs
└── Startup.cs

Create Workspace
  1. Testing Framework Integration Scaffold


/new [language] project with integrated [testing framework]. Include the project structure, configuration files, and boilerplate code for writing and running unit tests:


/new Java project integrated with the JUnit 5 testing framework. Include the project structure, pom.xml for Maven dependencies, and boilerplate code for writing and running unit tests

└── java-project
└── pom.xml
└── src
└── main
├── java
│ └── com
│ └── example
│ └──
└── test
└── java
└── com
└── example

Create Workspace