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Debugging Errors Reported by Sentry

Prompt Template

"I'm encountering a [Error Type, e.g., NullPointerException] in [Function or Method Name] at [File Name] line [Line Number]: [Brief Description of the Error, e.g., 'variableName' is null]. How can I fix this error and ensure that [Explanation of what needs to be validated or handled]?"

Sample Sentry Issue

Issue Title: NullReferenceException in OrderProcessor.ProcessOrder

Event ID: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000

Timestamp: 2023-10-01T14:22:30Z

Project: ECommercePlatform

Environment: Production

Error Details:

  • Error Message: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • Stack Trace:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at OrderProcessor.ProcessOrder(Order order) in OrderProcessor.cs:line 42
at OrderController.SubmitOrder(Order order) in OrderController.cs:line 27
  • Culprit: OrderProcessor.cs line 42

Additional Data:

Project Files

Project Structure:

├── Controllers/
│ └── OrderController.cs
├── Services/
│ └── OrderProcessor.cs
├── Models/
│ └── Order.cs
└── Program.cs

Workflow to Resolve the Sentry Issue Using Fynix

Step 1: Identify the Error from Sentry

  • Error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • Location: OrderProcessor.cs line 42
  • Stack Trace: Points to OrderProcessor.ProcessOrder(Order order)

Step 2: Open the Project in the IDE

  • Open ECommercePlatform in your IDE (e.g., Visual Studio, VS Code) with the Fynix plugin installed and activated.

Step 3: Navigate to the Problematic Code

Prompt to Fynix:

"I'm getting a NullReferenceException at @OrderProcessor.cs line 42: order.Customer is null. How can I prevent this error and handle the case when Customer is null?"

Fynix Response:

"The error occurs because order.Customer is null. To prevent the NullReferenceException, you should check if order.Customer is not null before accessing its properties. Here's how you can modify your code:"

Suggested Code Modification:

public void ProcessOrder(Order order)
// Some processing logic
double discount = 0;

if (order.Customer != null)
discount = order.Customer.DiscountRate;
// Handle the case where Customer is null
// For example, assign a default discount rate or throw an exception
discount = 0; // Or log a warning

// Apply discount and process order

Step 5: Apply the Fix

  • Update OrderProcessor.cs with the suggested code. You can use “insert at selection” to replace the code block.

Updated OrderProcessor.cs:

public void ProcessOrder(Order order)
// Some processing logic
double discount = 0;

if (order.Customer != null)
discount = order.Customer.DiscountRate;
// Assign default discount rate or handle accordingly
discount = 0;

// Continue processing the order with the discount

Step 6: Test the Application

  • Build and run the application.
  • Use a tool like Postman or curl to send a POST request to /api/orders/submit with and without the Customer property in the Order object.

Sample Request Without Customer:

"Id": 1
// No "Customer" property

Sample Request With Customer:

"Id": 1,
"Customer": {
"Id": 100,
"DiscountRate": 0.1
  • Verify that the application handles both cases without throwing an exception.

Step 7: Verify the Fix

  • Confirm that the error no longer occurs when Customer is null.
  • Monitor Sentry to ensure no new events are reported for this issue.

Step 8: Close the Issue in Sentry

  • In Sentry, mark the issue as resolved.
  • Document the fix and reference the code changes or commits.

Python Example

Sample Sentry Issue

Issue Title: AttributeError in process_order

Event ID: abc12345-def6-7890-ghij-klmnopqrstuv

Timestamp: 2023-10-01T14:22:30Z

Project: ECommercePlatform

Environment: Production

Error Details:

  • Error Message: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'customer_id'
  • Stack Trace:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'customer_id'
File "", line 42, in process_order
discount = order.customer.customer_discount
File "", line 27, in submit_order
  • Culprit: line 42

Additional Data:

Project Files

Project Structure:

├── controllers/
│ └──
├── services/
│ └──
├── models/
│ └──

Workflow to Resolve the Sentry Issue Using Fynix

Step 1: Identify the Error from Sentry

  • Error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'customer_id'
  • Location: line 42
  • Stack Trace: Points to process_order method in

Step 2: Open the Project in the IDE

  • Open ECommercePlatform in your IDE (e.g., PyCharm, VS Code) with the Fynix plugin installed and activated.

Step 3: Navigate to the Problematic Code

  • Go to and navigate to line 42.


# services/

class OrderProcessor:
def process_order(self, order):
# Some processing logic
discount = order.customer.customer_discount
# Apply discount and process order

Step 4: Use Fynix to Debug the Issue

Prompt to Fynix:

"Fynix, I'm getting an AttributeError at line 42: order.customer is None. How can I prevent this error and handle the case when customer is None?"

Fynix Response:

"The error occurs because order.customer is None. To prevent the AttributeError, you should check if order.customer is not None before accessing its attributes. Here's how you can modify your code:"

Suggested Code Modification:

# services/

class OrderProcessor:
def process_order(self, order):
# Some processing logic
discount = 0

if order.customer is not None:
discount = order.customer.customer_discount
# Handle the case where customer is None
discount = 0 # Assign default discount or log a warning

# Apply discount and process order

Step 5: Apply the Fix

  • Update with the suggested code.


# services/

class OrderProcessor:
def process_order(self, order):
# Some processing logic
discount = 0

if order.customer is not None:
discount = order.customer.customer_discount
# Assign default discount or handle accordingly
discount = 0

# Continue processing the order with the discount

Step 6: Test the Application

  • Run the Application:

Simulate Order Submission Without Customer:

Send a POST request to /api/orders/submit without the customer field.

Sample Request Without Customer:

"order_id": 1
// No "customer" field

Simulate Order Submission With Customer:

Send a POST request with the customer field included.

Sample Request With Customer:

"order_id": 1,
"customer": {
"customer_id": 100,
"customer_discount": 0.1
  • Verify:
    • Ensure that the application handles both cases without throwing an exception.
    • Check that the discount is applied correctly when the customer exists.

Step 7: Verify the Fix

  • Confirm that the AttributeError no longer occurs when order.customer is None.
  • Monitor Sentry to ensure no new events are reported for this issue.

Step 8: Close the Issue in Sentry

  • In Sentry, mark the issue as resolved.
  • Document the fix and reference the code changes or commits.

Similarly the user can Resolve Sentry issues respective to their tech stack, for example, Java or Node.